
What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is the enlargement of male breasts due to an abundance of estrogen (a female hormone) in the body. Common in newborn baby boys due to an influx of estrogen from the mother, most cases of gynecomastia disappear shortly after birth. However, some boys will continue to feel the effects of larger breasts well into puberty, which is when gynecomastia breast reduction surgery may be an option.

Gynecomastia Bay Area with Robert Aycock, Md, Facs

Consultations Are Available Now

Dr. Aycock is always happy to meet with you to review your unique needs. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation.

Benefits of Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia

Beyond psychological and emotional reasons, male breast reduction may also help alleviate pain or tenderness in the breasts.

What to Expect During Your Consultation

Dr. Aycock will take the time to go over your complete medical history to ensure there are no conflicts or issues that could arise during or after your plastic surgery procedure. He will discuss your goals and anticipated outcome of your surgery, as well as answer any questions you may have. Depending on the type of procedure you plan to have done, he may examine the area being treated. Every consultation is done with the utmost professional courtesy and thorough explanation of each step to ensure that you are informed and comfortable with the process. Once you feel fully assured and satisfied with the answers, you can move forward with scheduling your surgery.

Gynecomastia breast reduction is a serious issue which, if left untreated, can cause lifelong emotional and psychological effects. Male breast reduction is possible and can restore your physique to its healthy, normal type. Contact Dr. Aycock’s office to schedule your complimentary consultation today!

Preparing for Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia

Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery are men with enlarged breasts which have failed to respond to other types of treatment including discontinuing or changing medications which can cause breast enlargement or other factors. Gynecomastia can also involve stretched skin or large areolae (darker patches of skin where the nipples are found), and gynecomastia breast reduction can also cosmetically restore the appearance of normal male breasts.

How Is Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia Performed?

Dr. Aycock will remove excess fat with liposuction or through excision, and excess skin around the breast will be removed. With an excision technique, an incision is made either on the edge of the areola (dark skin surrounding the nipple) or in the armpit. This incision allows Dr. Aycock to cut away excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin to sculpt your chest into a more masculine silhouette. If there is a significant volume of excess fat, it may be removed with liposuction. Male chest contouring may be performed either under general anesthesia or with sedation and local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

Gynecomastia Procedure in the Bay Area with Robert Aycock, Md, Facs

Gynecomastia Breast Reduction Recovery*

Breast reduction recovery may involve the placement of bandages or dressings to allow the incisions to heal. You may be asked to wear an elastic garment for approximately six weeks to allow the breasts to heal. There may be a small amount of drainage, and it’s possible that your breasts will be bruised or uncomfortable for a few days. Recovery time varies but it helps considerably to be in good health and engage in regular physical activity before undergoing the surgery.

*Individual results may vary

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 925-1700 (Greenbrae).

Contact Dr. Aycock for a for a consultation today! Call:

Walnut Creek:
(925) 937-8377
(415) 925-1700

Or click here to submit your info.


The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service. It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice. The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care. Individual results may vary.