Sciton® Laser Treatments

What Is a Sciton® Laser Treatment?

The Sciton® laser treatment is a unique procedure that treats a variety of skin conditions, including acne and acne scarring, spider veins, wrinkle reduction, hair reduction, and much more. Using a concentrated series of pulses, the laser light effectively breaks down the top layer of skin or the hair follicle to help bring softer skin to the surface.

Sciton Lasers Greenbrae & Walnut Creek

Consultations Are Available Now

Dr. Aycock is always happy to meet with you to review your unique needs. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation.

Benefits of Sciton® Laser Treatments

In addition to improving the tone and texture of skin, people who have had Sciton® laser treatments report the following benefits:

  • A softer, smoother skin tone.
  • Fewer creases or wrinkles in their skin.
  • Diminished scarring, pigmentation, or other skin issues.

Which Sciton® Laser Treatment Procedures Are Performed?

Dr. Aycock is a certified international trainer and speaker on the use of state-of-the-art Light and Laser Systems. He offers the following Sciton® Laser Treatments:

Bbl™ Photofacial Walnut Creek
Sciton Laser in the Bay Area with Robert Aycock, Md, Facs
Clear Scan Walnut Creek
Cellusmooth™ Walnut Creek
Clearsense™ Walnut Creek
Contour Trl™ Walnut Creek
Diva™ Walnut Creek
Halo™ Walnut Creek
Microlaser Peel™ Walnut Creek
Profractional™ Walnut Creek
Prolipo™ Walnut Creek
Skintyte™ Walnut Creek

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 925-1700 (Greenbrae).

Contact Dr. Aycock for a for a free consultation today! Call:

Walnut Creek:
(925) 937-8377
(415) 925-1700

Or click here to submit your info.

The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service. It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice. The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care. Individual results may vary.