Aging may have taken a toll on your rear end, but Dr. Robert Aycock can help you restore a youthful, voluptuous shape with a cosmetic procedure called a buttock lift. The buttock lift surgery is often recommended for patients who feel disproportionate and desire a tighter, more attractive derriere.

Goals of a Buttock Lift

A buttock lift procedure is designed to fix sagging skin and remove excess fat in the buttocks — both signs of aging or inherited tendencies. Surgical repair of these features is an effective alternative for men and women who have had disappointing results with diet and exercise. It’s also a commonly requested procedure for people who have lost a significant amount of weight and want to remove the remaining lax skin. You may also use a buttock lift to improve the appearance of asymmetrical or deformed buttocks.

The Buttock Lift Procedure

During the outpatient buttock lift surgery, the surgical team follows exact specifications for tissue removal based on the patient’s personal aesthetic goals.

After the patient is put under general anesthesia, Dr. Aycock will place small incisions at the top of the buttocks, and sometimes make additional incisions in the hips or groin areas. He gently excises the loose skin and excess fat, and then pulls the remaining skin taut. Sutures are placed after the reshaping is complete.

Buttock Lift Recovery

Swelling, bruising, and localized numbness is expected in the days following surgery, and prescription pain medication is available to help with any discomfort. You will be asked to wear a compression garment for a few weeks to minimize swelling and encourage proper healing. Dr. Aycock will make personalized recommendations regarding resuming daily activity based on your post-operative evaluation.

Thank you for your interest in the buttock lift procedure. We are happy to discuss your personal goals during a cosmetic consultation. To schedule yours, please contact Dr. Aycock online or call (925) 727-3337 .