Start the New Year with a Fresh Face Walnut CreekIn January, many people are focusing on New Year’s resolutions – going to the gym more often, eating healthier, reading more, etc. Another way to look your best in 2017 is with a fresh face. A BBL™ PhotoFacial is a great way to reduce facial concerns and coloration, including birthmarks, the redness from rosacea, freckles, sun damage, and much more.

Using an Intense Pulsed Light, a BBL™ PhotoFacial removes discoloration on the skin with a gentle laser. This laser works by rejuvenating aged skin cells to reverse the signs of aging and even slowing down future signs of aging.

What causes the skin to appear older?
Aside from wrinkles, years of sun and environmental damage to the skin make it look its age. Damage can include:

  • Freckles
  • Rosacea
  • Broken capillaries
  • Dark spots
  • Blotchy skin color,
  • Redness of the face and neck
  • Enlarged pore size
  • Uneven pigmentation

A BBL™ PhotoFacial gives dramatic results because is the only procedure that can treat rosacea, pigmented brown spots, sun damage, skin texture, and collagen structure all at once.

Is a BBL™ PhotoFacial Right for Me?

A BBL™ PhotoFacial is an ideal procedure for you if you meet any of the following conditions:

  • You are unhappy with the look of freckles, birthmarks, or other congenital facial issues that cause you concern.
  • You would like to reduce the redness from rosacea or environmental damage (sun damage and age spots).

Caring for and enhancing your skin can transform your face, now and in the year to come. A BBL™ PhotoFacial will even slow down future signs of aging – giving you a younger look all year. Reinvigorate your facial appearance and treat yourself to smooth, even skin.

A BBL™ PhotoFacial is an ideal way to improve the look and texture of your skin without the associated discomfort of a more involved plastic surgery. Contact our office today to give yourself a younger, fresher look in 2017. Schedule your FREE consultation and see the difference a BBL™ PhotoFacial can make for you!

Contact Dr. Aycock at Walnut Creek, CA, (925) 727-3337 or at Greenbrae, CA, (415) 460-7995 for a consultation today!