How Much Does NeoGraft® Cost?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:28-07:00February 23rd, 2021|NeoGraft|

One of the greatest thieves of self-confidence can be hair loss, and millions of men and women suffer its effects in the US. Thinning hair can have you scrutinizing your reflection and leave you insecure in social, professional, and even romantic settings. If you’re tired of worrying about every strand you lose, Dr. Robert [...]

Am I a Good Candidate For Hair Restoration?

By |2022-08-12T08:44:04-07:00February 16th, 2018|NeoGraft Hair Restoration|

Let’s face it: Everyone wants a full head of hair. But whether you have a thinning hairline or have lost a decent chunk of hair, it might feel like your only recourse for a full head of hair is expensive (and painful!) surgery. In previous years, that was your only option, as the only [...]


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