Is CoolSculpting Worth It?

By |2022-08-12T08:44:09-07:00May 11th, 2017|Body Contouring, CoolSculpting|

By now, you’ve probably heard about CoolSculpting – it’s the world’s most popular non-invasive body contouring treatment. You might know that CoolSculpting uses freezing energy to destroy stubborn fat cells that just won’t respond to diet and exercise. You may even know that CoolSculpting is pretty quick and effective; most patients only need one session [...]

Firm and Tone With a Buttock Lift

By |2022-08-12T08:44:13-07:00August 31st, 2012|Body Contouring|

Aging may have taken a toll on your rear end, but Dr. Robert Aycock can help you restore a youthful, voluptuous shape with a cosmetic procedure called a buttock lift. The buttock lift surgery is often recommended for patients who feel disproportionate and desire a tighter, more attractive derriere. Goals of a Buttock Lift A [...]


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