Thigh Lift

What Is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is a surgical operation that can help remove excess skin caused by significant weight loss. It is designed to give the appearance of more evenly toned, youthful-looking skin.

Thigh lift surgery is becoming more popular as people lose weight after bariatric/gastric bypass surgery. After massive weight loss, excess skin around the thigh and leg area can often be removed through body lift plastic surgery.

People also choose thigh lift plastic surgery if the skin in that area is flabby, saggy, dimpled, or has an orange peel appearance. Many people, both men and women, are better able to fit into clothes following body lift surgery and also experience improved self-esteem. If you would like to combine a thigh lift with complete lower body contouring, then buttock lift and a tummy tuck may compliment a thigh lift.

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Benefits of a Thigh Lift

A thigh lift removes saggy, droopy skin left over from considerable weight loss efforts. It may also result in the removal of some fat, but liposuction may be needed to remove larger fatty deposits. In addition to creating tighter, younger-looking skin, a thigh lift can do the following:

  • Improve your self-esteem and body image.
  • Give you the freedom and confidence to wear shorts and skirts without feeling self-conscious.
  • Create a more youthful appearance.
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Preparing for a Thigh Lift

You may be asked to have lab testing or a medical evaluation done to rule out any external issues that may interfere with your thigh lift. You may also be asked to start, discontinue, or adjust your current medication schedule. You’ll recover more quickly if you stop smoking, and you should avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, or any herbal supplements as these can increase bleeding.

How Is a Thigh Lift Performed?

Thigh lifts may be performed as part of a lower body lift or a total body lift. These procedures are often utilized when patients have lost a great amount of weight due to bariatric surgery or after undergoing liposuction in the same area.

The several types of thigh lift are used in accordance with the area being treated and the severity of the problem. An inner thigh lift, also known as a medial thigh lift, is the most common and least intensive type of lift. For this procedure, Dr. Aycock makes an incision in the groin fold and essentially pulls up the loose skin and tissue, removing the excess and tightening the inner thigh area.

For patients who desire removal of a greater volume of tissue and skin, a vertical thighplasty may be recommended. This procedure requires an incision from the groin area to the inside of the knee, allowing Dr. Aycock to remove excess tissue along the entire inner thigh.

If a patient’s problem area is the outer thigh, he or she may elect for an outer thigh lift, which involves an incision from the groin around the outside of the thigh to the buttocks.

All of the thigh lift procedures can help patients achieve tauter skin and a sleeker contour in their lower bodies.

Thigh Lift Recovery*

Following thigh lift surgery, you will need to wear an elastic compression garment to assist in the natural tightening and shrinking of the skin and reduce swelling. For a thigh lift that is less extensive, initial discomfort is typically controlled with oral medication prescribed by Dr. Aycock. For a thigh lift that is more extensive, it may be recommended that you spend a night or two in a skilled nursing facility or hospital to allow for intravenous catheters, pain injections, and close monitoring of the recovery process. Swelling and bruising typically subside within a month, strenuous exercise is typically possible in about six weeks, and full recovery is normally complete within four to six months.

*Individual results may vary

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 925-1700 (Greenbrae).

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(925) 937-8377
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The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service. It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice. The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care. Individual results may vary.