Restylane Lyft®

What Is Restylane Lyft®?

Restylane Lyft® is a new type of synthetic dermal filler made from hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps give skin its softness and elasticity. Restylane Lyft® is an injection that helps treat deep wrinkles and facial folds in the skin. Like Restylane®, Restylane Lyft® is used for the treatment of wrinkles; however, its compounds are designed to treat deeper creases and folds in the skin.

Restylane Lyft Banner Walnut Creek

Consultations Are Available Now

Dr. Aycock is always happy to meet with you to review your unique needs. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation.

Benefits of Restylane Lyft®

Our patients who have had Restylane Lyft® injections tell us they enjoy numerous benefits as a result, including the following:

  • Softer, younger-looking skin.
  • Diminished appearance of wrinkles, folds, and creases.
Restylane Lyft Treatment Areas Walnut Creek

Preparing for Restylane Lyft®

You may be asked to have lab testing or a medical evaluation done to rule out any external issues that may interfere with your treatment. You may also be asked to start, discontinue, or adjust your current medication schedule. You’ll recover more quickly if you stop smoking, and you should avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, or any herbal supplements as these can increase bleeding.

Greenbrae Restylane Lyft

*Individual Results May Vary

How is Restylane Lyft® Administered?

Restylane Lyft® is a simple injectable dermal filler that can be used together with other augmentation procedures, including lip augmentation or implants, brow lifts, eyelid lifts, or Botox® to help you achieve improved facial structure and contour while lessening the appearance of wrinkles.

Dr. Aycock is a trainer for Botox® Cosmetic and dermal filler injections.

Walnut Creek Restylane Lyft

*Individual Results May Vary

Restylane Lyft® Recovery*

Restylane Lyft® recovery is mild and you may resume normal activities in a very short period of time. Some patients may experience discomfort at the injection site, for which a local anesthetic or ice may be applied. Restylane Lyft® treatment lasts approximately 8-10 months.

*Individual results may vary

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 925-1700 (Greenbrae).

Contact Dr. Aycock for a for a consultation today! Call:

Walnut Creek:
(925) 937-8377
(415) 925-1700

Or click here to submit your info.


The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service. It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice. The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care. Individual results may vary.