Skin Flap Removal

What Is Skin Flap Removal?

Excessive skin that hangs from your body can make you feel unattractive and make your clothes fit uncomfortably. These “flaps” of skin occur after aSkin Flap Removal Walnut Creek, Ca significant weight loss or pregnancy. Sometimes the aging process itself can cause your skin to lose elasticity and tone.

Skin flap removal helps remove this excess skin and tighten the affected area so your skin looks tighter, more youthful, and toned.

Dr. Aycock has an arsenal of weapons to help fight these flaps of skin and make you look your best. Body lift surgery, liposuction, and tummy tucks are the most common surgical procedures used to combat excess skin flaps.

Consultations Are Available Now

Dr. Aycock is always happy to meet with you to review your unique needs. Please fill out the form on this page to request a consultation.

Benefits of Skin Flap Removal

Skin flap removal can offer you a number of cosmetic benefits, including the following:

  • Improved self-image and a younger-looking body.
  • Relieve chafing caused by layers of skin rubbing together.
  • Enhance your sociability and self-esteem.
Bay Area Plastic Surgery Skin Flap Removal Robert Aycock, Md, Facs

Preparing for Skin Flap Removal

You may be asked to have lab testing or a medical evaluation done to rule out any external issues that may interfere with your surgery. You may also be asked to start, discontinue, or adjust your current medication schedule. You’ll recover more quickly if you stop smoking, and you should avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory medicines, or any herbal supplements as these can increase bleeding.

How Is Skin Flap Removal Performed?

Depending on the area(s) being treated and the extensiveness of the treatment area, incisions will be made to remove the skin flap(s). Stitches will then be inserted to help tighten and improve the skin firmness and contour. The procedure length will depend upon the number of areas being treated and the amount of skin being removed.

Body Lift

Body lift surgery serves to remove excess skin and improve the appearance of cellulite. This type of surgery can be performed on your arms, legs, lower body, and buttocks.


During liposuction, stubborn fat deposits are removed from your body using a small tube. Common treatment areas are the hips, upper arms, buttocks, thighs, inner knees, chin, back, and breasts. Patients receive either general anesthesia or a local anesthetic, depending on the location being treated. An incision is made near the problem area, and tumescent fluid is injected. The fluid contains an anesthetic and medication to reduce bruising. A cannula, or small tube, is used to suction the fat from your body. Dr. Aycock uses several types of Liposuction including Tumescent, Laser and Vaser Liposuction to offer a full array of treatment for specific problem areas.

Tummy Tuck

Tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure through which excess fat and skin are removed from the abdominal area to create a slimmer body contour. Abdominoplasty, whether partial or complete, produces excellent results for patients with weakened abdominal muscles or excess skin. In most cases, if you follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly, the results are long-lasting.

Bay Area Skin Flap Removal Done by Robert Aycock, Md, Facs

Skin Flap Removal Recovery*

After your surgery, small tubes may be placed under your skin to aid with the drainage of excess fluid. You may also be required to wear an elastic compression garment to help your skin adjust to your new figure. It may take several months for the swelling to go down, during which your beautiful new figure will emerge!

*Individual results may vary

Take The First Step – Request A Consultation

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 925-1700 (Greenbrae).

Contact Dr. Aycock for a for a consultation today! Call:

Walnut Creek:
(925) 937-8377
(415) 925-1700

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The content of this website is intended to be general information. It is provided only as a service. It is not medical advice and not intended to be taken as medical advice. The content of this site should not be used to diagnose or treat a medical or health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for or delay the seeking of appropriate or professional medical care. Individual results may vary.