Is There Downtime After a Halo™ Laser Treatment?

By |2024-03-07T15:54:01-07:00March 10th, 2024|Halo Laser|

Most lasers use a single wavelength that works best for addressing particular concerns such as pigmentation or texture. Halo™ laser treatments can restore your firmer, more even-toned skin with its unique hybrid capabilities. The Halo™ laser corrects a wide range of skin concerns with its fully customizable treatment options.  What is the Halo™ Laser? [...]

How Long Will BroadBand Light Therapy (BBL) Results Last?

By |2024-01-17T12:28:13-07:00December 21st, 2023|BBL PhotoFacial|

Aging and environmental exposures can leave your skin looking dull and damaged. BroadBand Light Therapy triggers cellular renewal and breaks up unwanted pigmentation, leaving skin bright and clear. This non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment can address a wide range of issues to reveal youthful-looking skin.  What is BroadBand Light Therapy (BBL)  BroadBand Light Therapy (BBL) uses [...]

Top 5 Benefits of a HydraFacial®

By |2024-01-17T12:11:34-07:00November 11th, 2023|Hydrafacial®|

What would your ideal facial look like? The perfect facial treatment would be gentle, fast, and powerful for many people. HydraFacial® meets all these expectations and more with its ability to illuminate and hydrate your skin. This non-invasive treatment helps almost anyone achieve a vibrant, healthy glow.  What is a HydraFacial®? A HydraFacial® is [...]

Start the New Year with a Fresh Face

By |2024-04-04T10:29:19-07:00January 6th, 2017|Laser Skin Resurfacing|

In January, many people are focusing on New Year’s resolutions – going to the gym more often, eating healthier, reading more, etc. Another way to look your best in 2017 is with a fresh face. A BBL™ PhotoFacial is a great way to reduce facial concerns and coloration, including birthmarks, the redness from rosacea, freckles, [...]

Surgical Solutions for Younger Looking Skin

By |2022-08-12T08:44:18-07:00January 15th, 2012|Skin Rejuvenation|

“Those forehead wrinkles weren’t their yesterday, were they? And where’d those crow’s feet come from? My arms never used to flap like that when I wave…” If these notions sound familiar and you’re concerned about signs of aging on your facial and body skin, it may be time to consider the incredible perks of cosmetic [...]

Skin Rejuvenation Options for Limited Time & Budgets

By |2022-08-12T08:44:19-07:00December 4th, 2011|Skin Rejuvenation|

Your delicate skin is often the first place that telltale signs of aging appear. Sun exposure, stress, lack of proper hydration, and genetics all affect the quality of your skin. If you’re looking for a way to combat wrinkling, discoloration, and other skin problems, investing in nonsurgical skin rejuvenation can be easy on your wallet [...]


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