How Long Will BroadBand Light Therapy (BBL) Results Last?

By |2024-01-17T12:28:13-07:00December 21st, 2023|BBL PhotoFacial|

Aging and environmental exposures can leave your skin looking dull and damaged. BroadBand Light Therapy triggers cellular renewal and breaks up unwanted pigmentation, leaving skin bright and clear. This non-invasive, FDA-cleared treatment can address a wide range of issues to reveal youthful-looking skin.  What is BroadBand Light Therapy (BBL)  BroadBand Light Therapy (BBL) uses [...]

PhotoFacial vs. Halo® Laser: Which One is Right for Me?

By |2023-10-12T10:04:54-07:00March 30th, 2023|BBL PhotoFacial, Halo Laser|

When it comes to improving your skin's appearance, you have many options. These include Halo® laser and BBL™ PhotoFacial treatments. Both of these procedures use advanced technology to address various skin concerns. However, they differ in several important ways, including what they treat and how many treatments you need.  What is the Halo® Laser? [...]

What is a PhotoFacial?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:28-07:00February 8th, 2021|BBL PhotoFacial|

A PhotoFacial is a skin treatment that uses pulses of photothermal light to reduce the appearance of blemishes. The treatment breaks down brown spot pigmentation, leaving your complexion looking more youthful and vibrant. View More Patient Results *Individual Results May Vary About the BBLâ„¢ [...]

How Can I Restore Youth to My Hands?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:31-07:00September 4th, 2020|BBL PhotoFacial|

Most people don’t think of their hands when considering anti-aging cosmetic treatments, but the hands are one of the features that show our age most. With time, we can lose volume on the backs of our hands, which makes veins more prominent. Our hands are also exposed to the sun as much as our [...]


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