When it comes to improving your skin’s appearance, you have many options. These include Halo® laser and BBL™ PhotoFacial treatments. Both of these procedures use advanced technology to address various skin concerns. However, they differ in several important ways, including what they treat and how many treatments you need. 

What is the Halo® Laser?

The Halo® laser offers your laser expert more customization for better results. While most lasers use either ablative or non-ablative technology, Halo® can use both in the same treatment. This ability lets it work with or without penetrating the skin, depending on your desired results. The effects and downtime resulting from Halo® treatments depend on the intensity of your treatment. 

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What is a BBL™ PhotoFacial?

BBL™ PhotoFacial is an intense pulsed light (IPL) that delivers short bursts of light energy to the skin. Red and brown pigments in the skin absorb this energy, breaking up pigmentation problems and brightening the skin. A BBL™ PhotoFacial is non-invasive and gentle to the skin. 

PhotoFacial vs. Halo® Laser: Which One is Right for Me?

When it comes to deciding between Halo® laser and BBL™ PhotoFacial, you should consider a few factors:

What Do They Treat?

Both treatments can address a range of skin concerns, but Halo® laser is better suited for more severe issues such as deep wrinkles and acne scars. BBL™ PhotoFacial works best for milder skin concerns such as sun damage, age spots, and redness. Both provide brighter, more even skin. A BBL™ PhotoFacial is generally recommended for pigmentation issues and Halo® for more intensive results. 

How Many Treatments Will You Need?

The number of treatments required will vary depending on the individual and the severity of the skin concerns being addressed. Typically, people require multiple BBL™ PhotoFacial treatments to achieve optimal results. In contrast, a single Halo® laser treatment may address more significant skin concerns.

What Does Treatment Feel Like?

Halo® laser treatments can be mildly uncomfortable due to using ablative wavelengths of light, but numbing cream will keep you from feeling much. Halo® treatments that use less ablative wavelengths will cause less sensation. BBL™ PhotoFacial is typically more comfortable, with most people reporting a warming sensation during treatment.

How Much Downtime Will You Have?

Halo® laser treatments typically require more downtime than Laser BBL™ PhotoFacial. You may experience redness, swelling, and peeling after the procedure, and some people might take a day or two off from work. Laser BBL™ PhotoFacial, on the other hand, requires minimal downtime, and you can resume your normal activities immediately after treatment.

Halo® Laser or BBL™ PhotoFacial Consultations Available

Am I a Good Candidate for Halo® Laser or BBL™ PhotoFacial?

Halo® laser and BBL™ PhotoFacial offer safe and effective treatments for most people. Most people make good candidates for at least one of the two. The best candidates for BBL™ PhotoFacial want to treat pigmentation issues and brighten their skin, and they want to avoid downtime. Ideal candidates for the Halo® laser want to treat issues like fine lines, skin laxity, and acne scarring, and they can tolerate some minor downtime. 

I finally had coolsculpting on my tummy and what a surprisingly easy treatment it was. Ashley the nurse was fantastic and she used the new hand piece that is smaller and faster. It was painless except for the 2-minute massage after the treatment but not bad at all. I’m a little sore today but this was easy-breezy and I can’t wait to see my results. I highly recommend it.

Take the Next Step

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 903-8463 (Greenbrae).