Looking for total skin rejuvenation in a single laser? Halo™ combines forms of laser treatment for a customized treatment experience. Halo™ restores smooth, youthful skin by boosting your skin’s collagen production, improving texture and tone. 

What is Halo™ Laser Treatment?

Halo™ Laser Treatment is a revolutionary hybrid fractional laser. It targets and treats multiple skin concerns at once. It combines the benefits of both ablative and non-ablative laser treatments, making it an effective solution for resurfacing the skin and restoring a youthful glow. Halo™ Laser Treatment uses a handheld device that emits laser energy in the form of two different wavelengths, which penetrating the skin at different depths to rejuvenate multiple layers. 

Halo Laser Walnut Creek

What are the Benefits of Halo™ Laser Treatment?

The combination of ablative and non-ablative laser technology gives Halo™ several advantages over other lasers. 

  • Improved skin texture and tone: The dual-wavelength technology of Halo™ Laser Treatment targets deep layers of the skin to stimulate collagen production, which helps improve skin texture and tone.
  • Less visible lines and wrinkles: The treatment also reduces fine lines and wrinkles by targeting damaged skin cells on the surface layer of the skin.
  • Reduced appearance of acne scars: Halo™ Laser Treatment reduces the appearance of acne scars by removing damaged skin cells and promoting collagen production.
  • Reduced age spots and sun damage: Treatment reduces age spots and sun damage by targeting and removing damaged skin cells.

Highly customizable Halo™ can use any combination of its two lasers to achieve your desired results. You enjoy the benefits of both lasers without the time and stress of two treatments. 

What is it Like Getting Halo™ Laser Treatment?

Before the treatment, a topical anesthetic cream is applied to the skin to minimize discomfort. The treatment takes about 30 minutes to an hour. During the procedure, you may experience a warm or tingling sensation as the laser energy penetrates the skin. The intensity of the sensation may vary depending on whether your provider uses the ablative or non-ablative functions of the Halo™. 

Halo™ Laser Treatment Consultations Available

What Results Will I See With Halo™ Laser Treatment?

Many people report seeing improvement in their skin’s texture and tone within a week of the treatment. As collagen production increases over time, the skin will continue to improve, and patients will see a reduction in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars. Results vary depending on the individual and the severity of the skin concerns being treated. Your new collagen can last one to two years with good skincare and sun protection. 

Is There Any Downtime With Halo™ Laser Treatment?

One benefit of Halo™ laser treatment is minimal downtime compared to typical ablative lasers. You may experience some redness and swelling for a few days after the treatment, but you can typically return to your daily activities immediately following the procedure. We recommend avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen after the treatment.

I finally had coolsculpting on my tummy and what a surprisingly easy treatment it was. Ashley the nurse was fantastic and she used the new hand piece that is smaller and faster. It was painless except for the 2-minute massage after the treatment but not bad at all. I’m a little sore today but this was easy-breezy and I can’t wait to see my results. I highly recommend it.

Take the Next Step

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 903-8463 (Greenbrae).