When you’re suffering from hair loss, the last thing you want to do is spend your valuable time and money on hair restoration methods that just don’t work. You want lush, natural-looking results – and you want those results without looking like you’ve had obvious work done!

Good news: the NeoGraft Hair Restoration procedure is an excellent option for men and women who want to encourage natural hair growth without restoring to shampoos or surgical solutions. NeoGraft Hair Restoration has several benefits, including the following:

  • No incisions
  • No surgical scars
  • Quick procedure time
  • Natural-looking results

The NeoGraft Hair Restoration procedure uses technology that quickly harvests hair from the back of the scalp. These hair follicles are then implanted at the front of the scalp where needed. The hair follicles will stay in place for about two to three weeks before falling out. Once this occurs, patients can expect to see new hair growth in two to three to six months. This is your natural hair – no need to deal with obvious-looking plugs or surgical scars!

The best candidate for NeoGraft Hair Restoration will be someone who has lost a lot of hair at the front hairline or crown of the scalp and is looking for natural regrowth. The candidate must have sufficient hair at the back of the scalp, as this is where the donor hair will be harvested for the procedure.

Are you still wondering if you’re an ideal candidate for the NeoGraft Hair Restoration Procedure? To learn more about this exciting treatment for hair loss, schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Aycock in Walnut Creek, CA (925)-937-8377 or Greenbrae, CA (415) 925-1700.

Dr. Aycock serves the greater San Francisco Bay area.