One of the greatest thieves of self-confidence can be hair loss, and millions of men and women suffer its effects in the US. Thinning hair can have you scrutinizing your reflection and leave you insecure in social, professional, and even romantic settings. If you’re tired of worrying about every strand you lose, Dr. Robert Aycock can help with NeoGraft® hair restoration.

Neograft Hair Restoration Bay Area, Ca

How Does NeoGraft® Hair Restoration Work?

Hair restoration procedures of the past harvested hair follicles from a strip of scalp at the back of the head, leaving a significant scar. This could interfere with a patient’s self-esteem as much as the initial hair thinning, particularly for men who prefer a short hairstyle. 

NeoGraft® has resolved this issue with a state-of-the-art hair follicle extraction device that makes hair restoration virtually undetectable. Healthy follicles are pneumatically collected with the handheld NeoGraft® device from the back of the head, where hair is fullest. Once enough donor follicles are collected, they are placed into the transplant site with meticulous care via a needle and air pressure. Though new growth will take time, within a year of your NeoGraft® procedure, your hair will show thicker, fuller coverage with a natural hairline.

How Much Does NeoGraft® Cost?

NeoGraft® treatment is considered a cosmetic procedure, so it’s not likely to be covered by insurance. However, the investment can improve emotional health significantly for men and women alike. The cost of NeoGraft® treatment ranges between  $10,000-$20,000 with the geographical location and provider expertise impacting the bottom line. Because Dr. Aycock understands how much cost factors into the decision to undergo treatment, he offers versatile payment financing to help ease the budgetary pressure.

Because Dr. Aycock has a highly regarded reputation as an expert in all injection-centric treatments, your NeoGraft® treatment has the highest chance of success in the Bay Area. Dr. Aycock and his team look beyond the treatment to the whole patient, so your hair restoration or other procedure is as pleasant an experience as possible. Don’t let hair loss steal any more of your self-esteem. Begin the journey to fuller, thicker hair with a NeoGraft® hair restoration treatment today.

NeoGraft Consultations Available

What is the NeoGraft® Procedure Like?

Your NeoGraft® procedure will take several hours to complete, so you should expect a full day at Dr. Aycock’s practice. NeoGraft® treatment begins with a topical anesthetic so you won’t feel the follicle harvesting or transplantation beyond pressure and slight tugging. It takes approximately 4-6 hours to transplant fresh follicles to your graft location, depending on the size and extent of your thinning hair. After your procedure is complete, your head will be bandaged and you’ll receive detailed aftercare instructions. It’s best to have a loved one drive you home where you should rest the remainder of the day. Plan on avoiding strenuous activity for up to 2 weeks.

Between 2 weeks to 2 months the hair from grafted follicles will likely fall out. Don’t panic. This is completely normal, and the follicle is still in place, and your procedure should still be successful. After 3 months, these follicles should begin to grow hair naturally, with full regrowth achieved 6-12 months after your NeoGraft® treatment.

Am I a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for NeoGraft® hair restoration are non-smoking patients in good general health whose hair loss has not resulted in entirely bald spots. The scalp must be capable of growing hair in the thinning location. Patients with certain healing trouble, like keloid or hypertrophic scarring, may need to find alternative hair restoration treatments.

“My experience at the clinic was actually fantastic. The technician, Ashley, was super friendly and talked me through the entire laser procedure, letting my know step by step what she was doing, what was happening, and what effect it was going to have on my skin. As soon as I had a question about what was going on, she’d obviously fielded similar thoughts from previous patients before, because she would inform me before I would even ask the question. I was in and out in no time at all, but not all rushed. It was easy, convenient and just all-round a really great experience. It’s nice to be taken care of by professionals who just handle everything in their stride. Highly recommend :)” *

Take the Next Step

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 925-1700 (Greenbrae).