Hair removal wastes money, and even worse, it wastes time. Laser hair removal can put an end to shaving and waxing. You can cut down the number of sessions you need if you prepare for each session and make sure your hair is ready for treatment. 

Laser Hair Removal Greenbrae

*Individual Results May Vary

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal can eliminate or greatly reduce hair growth on almost any part of your body, even the face. The laser targets melanin, a pigment that gives color to the hair. Hair grows from tiny sacs in the skin called follicles. The laser energy heats the melanin in the hair root, which damages the follicle, stopping hair growth. The laser only affects hair roots and does not affect the surrounding skin. 

How to Prepare for Laser Hair Removal

Preparing for laser hair removal means making sure you have intact hair roots ready for targeting by the laser. These tips will make sure you get the best results from every treatment

No Waxing, Plucking, or Electrolysis

These hair removal methods remove the hair root. This leaves an empty follicle, so the laser does not target it for removal. Give your roots at least four weeks to grow back. You can still shave since this leaves the root. 

Avoid Bleaching

Bleaching your hair removes the melanin pigment from the hair roots. This makes them invisible to the laser, so they are not treated. Stop bleaching at least four weeks before treatment, so your naturally pigmented roots grow back. 

Laser Hair Removal Consultations Available

Skip the Real or Fake Tan

Avoid spending time in the sun and use a dermatologist-approved sunscreen since sun exposure will make your skin more sensitive to the effects of the laser. A real or artificial tan makes your skin darker, putting you at risk of side effects. 

Shave Before Treatment

You can shave while you wait for your treatment and should shave the day before. Shaving will keep you from having too much hair above the surface of your skin. This could cause the hair to overheat and result in discomfort. 

Avoid Blood-Thinning Medication

Medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamin supplements or prescription medications can thin your blood, which can make you more prone to bleeding or bruising. Tell Dr. Aycock if you take any of these medications and follow his recommendations. 

Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Hair Removal?

If you want long-lasting hair reduction/removal and an end to waxing or shaving, you would probably make a good candidate for laser hair removal. If you have certain skin conditions or have recently used certain medications, you may not be a good candidate. 

“Dr. Aycock is great, staff was also great and friendly. My surgery, healed nicely would trust again”

Take the Next Step

Considering laser hair removal? Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Aycock in Walnut Creek, CA, or Greenbrae, CA. You can reach us by filling out the form on this page or calling (925) 937-8377.

Dr. Aycock serves the greater San Francisco Bay area.