Do you have small branching veins you can see through the skin? These are spider veins, and they can occur for many different reasons. While harmless, they may bother you for cosmetic reasons. You have many options for spider vein treatment, including non-invasive laser vein treatment. 

What Causes Spider Veins? 

Spider veins look like webs or tree branches under the skin. They may look blue, red, or purple and can occur in clusters. Most spider veins appear on the legs. Your leg veins must return blood to the heart against the force of gravity, so they have one-way valves to prevent blood from pooling. If these valves weaken, the pressure on tiny leg veins increases, damaging them and making them visible. 

Spider Vein Treatment

How Can You Get Rid of Spider Veins?

Vascular laser treatment uses laser energy to target spider veins and eliminates them. Dr. Aycock and his team prefer this technique because it requires no injections or invasive procedures. Many people only need one treatment, although some may need two or three. After treatment, your spider veins will not reappear. However, new spider veins can develop. If this happens, Dr. Aycock and his team can also treat those. 

How Does Laser Vein Treatment Work?

This treatment uses laser energy that targets your spider veins without harming the skin. When the laser energy contacts pigments inside the spider veins, it creates heat. This heat scars and damages the walls of the vein, causing it to collapse. Blood will redirect to healthy veins, and your body will eliminate what remains of the treated ones. 

Is There Any Downtime With Spider Vein Treatment?

This non-invasive treatment requires no downtime. You can return to your daily activities after treatment. With sessions that can fit into a lunch break, laser vein treatment offers fast, effective spider vein removal with minimal disruption to your schedule. 

Spider Vein Treatment Consultations Available

Am I a Good Candidate for Spider Vein Treatment?

Good candidates for laser vein treatment have visible spider veins they want to get rid of. This method works best for spider veins close to the surface. It is not intended to treat varicose veins. 

Since laser vein treatment is non-invasive and medication-free, it is safe for almost anyone. Schedule a consultation with a member of Dr. Aycock’s team to find out of laser spider vein treatment is right for you. 

I finally had coolsculpting on my tummy and what a surprisingly easy treatment it was. Ashley the nurse was fantastic and she used the new hand piece that is smaller and faster. It was painless except for the 2-minute massage after the treatment but not bad at all. I’m a little sore today but this was easy-breezy and I can’t wait to see my results. I highly recommend it.

Take the Next Step

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 854-4174 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 903-8463 (Greenbrae).