If you’re interested in undergoing cosmetic surgery but nervous about potential surgical scars, we understand the hesitation. After all, what’s the point of undergoing surgery for a more natural and youthful look if your surgical scars reveal all?

That’s why laser resurfacing treatments play a pivotal role in your post-procedure recovery. With the aid of laser skin resurfacing, your surgical scars can be faded away to the point where no one will be the wiser as to your procedure.

How Do Lasers Work on My Scars?

Some laser skin resurfacing treatments work by removing the top layer of the dermis, where the scar is most apparent. Other laser skin resurfacing procedures create micro-channels in the skin, which help to increase collagen production and speed up cellular turnover. Both types of laser skin resurfacing procedures aim to fade away the appearance of complexion woes like surgical scars, hyperpigmentation, and more.

Depending on where your surgical scar is located, laser skin resurfacing can fade its appearance while creating healthier levels of collagen production. Skin looks refreshed, renewed, and revitalized, resulting in less-noticeable surgical scarring.

What Can I Expect From My Procedure?

Your laser skin resurfacing treatment will take place at a pre-determined time after your surgical procedure. You’ll need to be fully healed, so we usually recommend waiting about three months after your surgery. Once you’re cleared for laser skin resurfacing, the procedure will be performed on your surgical scar.

Depending on the size and coloring of the surgical scar, you may need to come in for several sessions. It’s important to keep your surgical scar covered up and/or protected with sunscreen as the sun’s UV rays can deepen the scar’s coloring.

Take the Next Step

Want to learn more about laser skin resurfacing treatments for surgical scarring? Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Aycock in Walnut Creek, CA (925)-937-8377 or Greenbrae, CA (415) 925-1700.

Dr. Aycock serves the greater San Francisco Bay area.