Even the best skincare routine cannot eliminate the aging process. Although it happens at a different pace depending on many factors, we all develop skin laxity, fine lines, and other signs of aging. A facelift can undo years of aging by lifting and tightening loose skin and other structures. This procedure offers powerful rejuvenation with long-lasting results. 

What is a Facelift?

A facelift is an anti-aging procedure that tightens and smooths your skin. It addresses concerns including fine lines and wrinkles, skin laxity, and loose jowls. A facelift restores the definition of your features and tightens sagging skin to achieve a smoother appearance. It also tightens the underlying muscles and support structures to achieve natural-looking results that look like you but without years of age damage.

Walnut Creek Facelift

*Individual Results May Vary

How Does A Facelift Work?

Facelifts take place under general anesthesia. Dr. Aycock uses small incisions hidden in the hairline to lift and tighten the skin while removing excess fat. By lifting the skin according to the natural angles of your face, he achieves a naturally refreshed, youthful appearance. Other procedures may be performed with a facelift to help you achieve your goals.  

What to Expect After a Facelift

You can expect some bruising, swelling, and discomfort after your facelift. These effects fade quickly after the first few days. You may be given a bandage to wear around the face to support it while it heals. Most people can return to work and light activities within two weeks. You can usually return to more strenuous activities after four to six weeks. 

Your facelift results may not be fully visible immediately due to swelling. As the swelling resolves, you will start to appreciate your rejuvenated appearance within a few weeks. Your results will continue to improve for six months or more. Most people find that their facelift results last at least ten to fifteen years with good skincare

Facelift Consultations Available

What Other Procedures Can I Have With a Facelift?

A facelift primarily targets the mid and lower face, including jowls and sagging skin. However, many people have other procedures with their facelifts to address other problem areas. Procedures that combine well with a facelift include:

  • Neck lift
  • Eyelid lift
  • Brow lift
  • Cheek or chin implants
  • Fat transfer
  • Non-surgical skin rejuvenation
  • Injectables

During your consultation, we may recommend treatments that will help your facelift achieve your desired results. Non-surgical treatments such as dermal fillers and chemical peels can add volume and improve concerns like hyperpigmentation and uneven skin texture. 

Am I a Good Candidate for a Facelift?

Good candidates for a facelift are healthy adults with reasonable expectations. Candidates typically have moderate to severe signs of aging, particularly lines, wrinkles, and skin laxity. Only a consultation can determine whether a facelift is the right procedure for your needs. 

I finally had coolsculpting on my tummy and what a surprisingly easy treatment it was. Ashley the nurse was fantastic and she used the new hand piece that is smaller and faster. It was painless except for the 2-minute massage after the treatment but not bad at all. I’m a little sore today but this was easy-breezy and I can’t wait to see my results. I highly recommend it.

Take the Next Step

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 903-8463 (Greenbrae).