Used on its own or as part of a larger procedure like a Mommy Makeover, liposuction has been popular for decades as a way to reduce stubborn fat. ProLipo™ improves on traditional liposuction with faster healing and a skin-tightening bonus.

Walnut Creek Liposuction

What is ProLipo™?

While traditional liposuction uses a cannula to break up and remove fat, leaving bruising and soreness, ProLipo™ uses laser energy to heat up and liquefy the fat cells. This liquified fat comes out with much less trauma to the tissue. At the same time, the heat from the laser also triggers skin-tightening that will make the area look more sculpted. 

How Does ProLipo™ Work?

ProLipo™ delivers laser energy into the fat through a fiber inserted into the cannula. The heat emitted by the laser causes the fat cells to break down and become liquid. This makes them much easier to remove than the fat cells in traditional liposuction, which are manually broken up with the cannula. 

As an additional benefit, only ProLipo™ provides skin tightening with liposuction. The heat from the laser stimulates the deeper layers of skin cells to begin producing more collagen, an important structural protein. As the skin builds more collagen, it becomes tighter, firmer, and looks more sculpted. Traditional liposuction removes fat but often leaves loose skin behind, but ProLipo™ tightens skin while it removes fat.

ProLipo™ Consultations Available

Am I a Candidate for ProLipo™?

The best candidates for ProLipo™ should be within 30% of their target weight and lead an overall healthy lifestyle. Liposuction removes fat cells, which will never come back, but the remaining fat cells can grow without commitment to maintaining these results. ProLipo™ and traditional liposuction work for body sculpting, not for weight loss. 

What Results Will I See With ProLipo™?

You will see the treatment area look immediately slimmer and more contoured. The skin tightening occurs over the following weeks as the body builds collagen, so your results will continue to improve. While traditional liposuction can leave loose skin behind, this extra boost of skin firming helps make ProLipo™ unique. ProLipo™ can even be used in addition to traditional liposuction to tighten the skin after removing a significant amount of fat. 

Is There Any Downtime With ProLipo™?

You will have some bruising and swelling, although much less than you would have with traditional liposuction. We may recommend that you wear a compression garment or bandage around the area for several days to encourage skin tightening. You can resume your usual activities after a few days but should avoid strenuous activities until Dr. Aycock and his team recommend it. 

My experience was great! Dr. A and his staff are one of a kind and have absolutely made this the best possible experience from start to finish! I love my results and it is everything I hoped for and more! Dr . Aycock is a one of a kind surgeon.

Take the Next Step

Considering ProLipo™? Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Aycock in Walnut Creek, CA, or Greenbrae, CA. You can reach us by filling out the form on this page or calling (925) 937-8377.

Dr. Aycock serves the greater San Francisco Bay area.