Are you interested in a breast lift to correct sagging breasts?

No matter what your reason for wanting to get this popular surgery done, there’s probably a big question that needs to be answered before you can sign the proverbial dotted line:

“How much does a breast lift cost?”

Breast Lift Walnut Creek

The Average Cost of a Breast Lift

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average cost of a breast lift is $4,816. 

Before you start budgeting, keep in mind that this baseline figure doesn’t include other necessary costs, like general anesthesia fees, surgical center costs, and even prescription medications.

Breast Lift Consultations Available

What Else Goes Into My Breast Lift Costs?

In addition to the above costs, the final price of your breast lift procedure will likely be influenced by the expertise and experience levels of your plastic surgeon. But before you start looking for a discount surgeon, beware: that person is discounted for a reason. Your physical health is too important to risk it with a surgeon who may not be as experienced in performing breast lift surgeries as they should be.

The area where you live will also play a huge role in determining your final breast augmentation costs. For example, if you live in a wealthy area with a high cost-of-living index (like our home city of San Francisco), you’ll probably pay more than someone who lives in a more modest area that has a lower cost-of-living index.

So what’s the best way to find out what goes into your breast augmentation costs? Ask! Your plastic surgeon should be more than willing to share what items make up the final price of your breast augmentation surgery.

Dr. Aycock is great, staff was also great and friendly. My surgery, healed nicely would trust again

Take the Next Step – Request A Consultation

Are you still considering your decision to have breast augmentation surgery?  Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Aycock in Walnut Creek, CA (925)-937-8377 or Greenbrae, CA (415) 925-1700.  Dr. Aycock serves the greater San Francisco Bay area.