What is Dysport?

Dysport is an FDA-approved anti-aging injection that works in a similar manner to Botox. Dysport contains botulinum toxin Type A, a naturally-occurring compound that is known for paralyzing muscles at the injection site. Dysport is commonly used to smooth wrinkles that form between the eyebrows and on the forehead.

How Does It Work?

Botulinum toxin Type A works by interrupting the signals that are being sent by the brain to the nerve endings at the injection site. When these signals are blocked, the muscles stop responding; as a result, skin becomes relaxed and smoother-looking. The effects from this injection are temporary; most injections last anywhere from three to six months.

How is Dysport Different From Botox?

While Dysport contains the same active ingredient as Botox, it usually contains fewer units. That means you may need more Dysport injections to achieve the same results as with Botox. However, this does mean that Dysport is cheaper than Botox, making it an attractive alternative to many clients.

Benefits of Dysport

What Can I Expect From the Procedure?

The Dysport injection is very straightforward; it takes about 15 minutes to perform and doesn’t require any recovery. Before the procedure, your forehead will be treated with a numbing cream to reduce discomfort. Dysport injections are placed at five specific points along the eyebrows, which helps create the most natural-looking results while encouraging a subtle lift.

Am I a Candidate For Dysport?

You’re a candidate for Dysport injections if you have moderate wrinkles between the eyebrows and along the forehead region.

How Long Do Results Last?

Results can vary; however, most clients can expect Dysport injections to last anywhere from three to six months.

To learn more about Dysport anti-aging injections, schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Aycock in Walnut Creek, CA (925)-937-8377 or Greenbrae, CA (415) 925-1700.

Dr. Aycock serves the greater San Francisco Bay area.