A PhotoFacial is a skin treatment that uses pulses of photothermal light to reduce the appearance of blemishes. The treatment breaks down brown spot pigmentation, leaving your complexion looking more youthful and vibrant.

Bbl™ Photofacial Greenbrae

*Individual Results May Vary

About the BBL™ Laser

BBL™(broadband light) PhotoFacials use a special kind of fractional laser to deliver a specific light wavelength to your skin. The electromagnetic radiation agitates molecules in pigmented tissues, selectively heating them. Once they get hot enough, cell renewal processes kick in. Your skin goes into maintenance mode, changing its chemistry to improve protein expression, making it look younger. 

Over time, blemishes fade, dark spots appear reduced and other skin irregularities, such as sun damage, begin to heal. Ultimately, your skin looks smoother and more radiant. 

PhotoFacials, therefore, do not directly change the appearance of your skin. Instead, they activate your complexion’s latent potential for rejuvenation. The treatment allows your dermis to repair itself from the inside out, creating natural, beautiful results. 

Benefits of a Photofacial

At Dr. Aycock’s practice, we identify several PhotoFacial benefits. These include: 

  • Smoother skin: As the skin ages, it can become rougher and tougher to the touch. Senescent and malfunctioning cells accumulate, leading to unwanted changes in texture, many of which are visible to the naked eye. BBL™ Photofacial helps to reverse this aging-process by encouraging cellular turnover. After treatment, your complexion begins acting more as it did in its youth, becoming smoother over time.
  • No surgery required: BBL™ Photofacial is an entirely non-invasive procedure that doesn’t require any downtime. A member of Dr. Aycock’s team passes the BBL™ laser over the areas of skin you’d like to target. Then, over the following days, skin cells repair and rejuvenate, leaving your complexion looking more vibrant. 
  • Great value: You can sometimes wind up spending a lot of money on skincare products, especially if you feel self-conscious about how you look. For this reason, getting a BBL™ Photofacial provides you with tremendous value. It improves your complexion and helps you avoid expensive products that don’t deliver results. 

Target hyperpigmentation: BBL™ Photofacial breaks down the pigment under the skin that causes brown spots, causing them to fade over time.

Laser Skin Resurfacing Consultations Available

Am I a Candidate for a BBL™ Photofacial?

Because a BBL™ Photofacial is an entirely non-invasive procedure, most patients can benefit from it. You may be a suitable candidate if: 

  • You have signs of environmental skin damage from living in a polluted area
  • You have visible sun damage from past exposures and burns
  • You have hyperpigmentation, dark spots, or age spots on your skin
  • You want to achieve natural improvements in the quality of your skin. 

BBL™ Photofacial treatment is something you can have done on a regular schedule. Repeated appointments incentivize the skin to rejuvenate, helping to create a more youthful complexion over time. 

“My experience at the clinic was actually fantastic. The technician, Ashley, was super friendly and talked me through the entire laser procedure, letting my know step by step what she was doing, what was happening, and what effect it was going to have on my skin. As soon as I had a question about what was going on, she’d obviously fielded similar thoughts from previous patients before, because she would inform me before I would even ask the question. I was in and out in no time at all, but not all rushed. It was easy, convenient and just all-round a really great experience. It’s nice to be taken care of by professionals who just handle everything in their stride. Highly recommend :)” *

Take the Next Step

Ready to take the leap? Schedule a consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Aycock in Walnut Creek, CA or Greenbrae, CA. You can reach us by filling out the form on this page or by calling (925) 937-8377.

Dr. Aycock serves the greater San Francisco Bay area.