Articles by Robert Aycock, MD, FACS2024-03-07T16:00:03-07:00

Articles by Robert Aycock, MD, FACS

How Long Does SkinTyteâ„¢ Last?

If your skin has lost its firmness and you want to get it back, SkinTyteâ„¢ can restore a tighter, more youthful appearance. This non-invasive treatment uses heat energy to trigger collagen production, rejuvenating the [...]

By |February 1st, 2022|SkinTyte|Comments Off on How Long Does SkinTyteâ„¢ Last?

Am I a Candidate for ProLipoâ„¢?

Used on its own or as part of a larger procedure like a Mommy Makeover, liposuction has been popular for decades as a way to reduce stubborn fat. ProLipoâ„¢ improves on traditional liposuction with [...]

By |January 4th, 2022|ProLipo|Comments Off on Am I a Candidate for ProLipoâ„¢?

What is a Photofacial with BBL?

For people seeking to rejuvenate their skin by getting rid of hyperpigmentation and the appearance of spider veins, a BBL™ photofacial can help. These treatments improve your skin’s own ability to regenerate itself for [...]

By |December 20th, 2021|Photofacial|Comments Off on What is a Photofacial with BBL?

How is Botox® Administered?

One of the most popular cosmetic treatments of all time, Botox®, and its related neurotoxins, work to smooth lines and wrinkles. They also find regular use in medical treatments all over the body. Providers [...]

By |December 14th, 2021|Botox|Comments Off on How is Botox® Administered?

Top 5 Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Often referred to as an eyelid lift, blepharoplasty can target the upper lids, lower lids, or both. Whether alone or combined with other procedures, blepharoplasty is the best way to achieve more youthful, expressive [...]

By |December 3rd, 2021|Blepharoplasty|Comments Off on Top 5 Benefits of Blepharoplasty

What Does a Chemical Peel Do?

A chemical peel removes the outer layers of skin cells to reveal healthier, brighter ones underneath. These peels can range from a light peel, which removes only a few layers of skin and has [...]

By |November 27th, 2021|Chemical Peel|Comments Off on What Does a Chemical Peel Do?

How Long is Recovery From a Neck Lift?

With age, many of us see the skin of the lower face beginning to sag. While normal, this can result in areas of loose skin around the neck and jaw that make people self-conscious. [...]

By |November 15th, 2021|Neck Lift|Comments Off on How Long is Recovery From a Neck Lift?


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