Your outer layers of skin accumulate damage and become duller over time. Chemical peels can remove these damaged layers and reveal healthy, fresh skin cells. Each chemical peel works at a different depth to target different types of skin concerns. These treatments make an excellent option for almost anyone. 

What are Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels are topical treatments applied to the skin and left on for a prescribed period of time, then neutralized and removed. Chemical peels usually contain ingredients such as glycolic, salicylic, and trichloroacetic acids. These acids break the bonds between the dead layers of skin cells, peeling them away to bring smoother, more even skin to the surface. They can address many different skin issues, especially with a series of sessions. 

Chemical Peel Greenbrae & Walnut Creek

Am I a Candidate for Chemical Peels?

Chemical peels come in many varieties, so Dr. Aycock’s team will help you choose one that suits your needs and lifestyle. Light or “lunchtime” peels are a good choice for those seeking brighter, smoother skin without any downtime. Medium peels can have effects like redness and flaking but can address deeper concerns like fine lines and hyperpigmentation. 

Most people are good candidates for a chemical peel. However, you should not have one if you have an active skin condition, infection, or injury in the treatment area. Chemical peels are also not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Only a consultation can determine which type of chemical peel may work best for your needs. 

What Do Chemical Peels Treat?

Chemical peels are used to address a wide range of skin concerns. Most people will need several treatments to achieve their goals. We recommend chemical peels for people who want to treat:

  • Dullness
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Acne and acne scars
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Enlarged pores
  • Dryness and flakiness

Chemical peels can be used on oily, dry, and sensitive skin. Regular chemical peels help many people control issues such as oiliness, large pores, and breakouts. They can also fight dullness and give you a rejuvenated glow.

Chemical Peel Consultations Available

How Often Should I Have a Chemical Peel?

How often you have a chemical peel depends on several factors. You can usually have a light facial peel as often as once a month to maintain smooth, clear skin. Most medium peels are recommended every three to six months, depending on your needs and goals. Each person’s skin responds differently, so we will help you find the best schedule for you. 

Is There Any Downtime After a Chemical Peel?

Light peels generally have no downtime. You can return to your usual activities immediately, although you might look slightly flushed for up to an hour. Medium peels will often result in a few days of redness and sensitivity. Some people may also experience minor peeling or flaking as the treated layers are shed. Use dermatologist-recommended sun protection and avoid the use of harsh products such as scrubs after your peel.

Dr Aycock is an extremely skilled surgeon, and his aftercare is just as careful and extensive. He made sure to check my healing progress every week for a month until he was satisfied with my healing progress. At that point I was switched to every other week until I was fully healed. His staff are very friendly, attentive and skilled in their roles. I would not hesitate to recommend him as a first choice of Plastic Surgeon in the Bay Area.

Robin C., Happy Patient

Take the Next Step

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 903-8463 (Greenbrae).