Your facial expressions help you communicate your thoughts and feelings but also crease and wrinkle your skin. At first, these wrinkles disappear when your face relaxes, but they may be visible even at rest over time. Botox® and Xeomin® can treat lines and wrinkles effectively. However, they have a few differences that may affect which will work best for you. 

What are Botox® and Xeomin®?

Botox® and Xeomin® are neuromodulators that use botulinum toxin. When injected in tiny amounts, this toxin causes the facial nerves to stop sending signals to the muscles. The muscles stop contracting, so they stop forming fine lines and wrinkles. Neuromodulator effects are temporary and cause no permanent effects on the muscles or nerves. 

Restylane Greenbrae

How Do Botox® and Xeomin® Work for Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

Botox® and Xeomin® work in the same basic way. Injections deliver the treatment to target specific facial muscles. Botulinum toxin causes the nerve to stop releasing neurotransmitters that signal muscle contractions. Because Botox® and Xeomin® only act on targeted nerves, your facial expressions look natural and refreshed. 

Botox® vs. Xeomin®: What’s The Difference?

The basic mechanism of Botox® and its relatives uses botulinum toxin. However, they have some differences

How Are They Made?

Botox® uses several accessory proteins attached to the botulinum toxin. Xeomin® is often called “naked” because it uses the toxin unaccompanied by proteins. As a result, Xeomin® may work for people who need an alternative to Botox® without the proteins. While rare, reactions to the proteins in Botox® can occur, and people who have had this reaction may still be able to have Xeomin®. 

How Long Do They Last?

In general, Xeomin® outlasts Botox® for most people. The lifespan of Botox® is typically three to four months, while Xeomin lasts up to six months. The “naked” Xeomin® formula helps it attach more firmly to the nerves where it works. However, each person responds to neuromodulators differently, and some find that Botox® lasts longer for them. 

How Fast Do They Start Working?

Most people find that Botox® effects can take seven to ten days to develop. Xeomin® takes effect in three to five days for most people. While not a huge difference, many people enjoy seeing their results more quickly. The “naked” toxin in Xeomin® may reach the targeted nerve cells and take effect more quickly. 

Botox® or Xeomin® Consultations Available

Am I a Good Candidate for Botox® or Xeomin®?

Most healthy adults make good candidates for neuromodulator injections. If you have had Botox® in the past, you are most likely a good candidate for its relatives like Xeomin®. Ideal candidates want to address fine lines and wrinkles without surgery or recovery time. 

I finally had coolsculpting on my tummy and what a surprisingly easy treatment it was. Ashley the nurse was fantastic and she used the new hand piece that is smaller and faster. It was painless except for the 2-minute massage after the treatment but not bad at all. I’m a little sore today but this was easy-breezy and I can’t wait to see my results. I highly recommend it.

Take the Next Step

To schedule your consultation, please fill out the form on this page or call Dr. Aycock’s office at (925) 937-8377 (Walnut Creek) or (415) 903-8463 (Greenbrae).