Botox® vs. Dysport®: Which Lasts Longer?

By |2024-03-07T15:42:08-07:00February 1st, 2024|Botox, Dysport|

Expression lines and wrinkles can appear earlier than you expect them. If wrinkles on your forehead, between your brows, or around your eyes have started to bother you, it may be time to consider Botox® or Dysport®. These two injectable treatments work in a similar way but have differences that may affect which one [...]

How is Dysport® Administered?

By |2024-01-17T12:29:06-07:00January 17th, 2024|Dysport|

Are you frustrated by lines and wrinkles around your forehead, eyes, and mouth? Dysport® is an injectable treatment that smooths mild to severe wrinkles, leaving you looking youthful and refreshed. This treatment is similar to Botox®, offering the same wrinkle-smoothing effects, and is often preferred over Botox® in many cases.  What is Dysport®? Dysport® [...]

When Will I See Results from Botox®?

By |2024-03-07T15:34:50-07:00January 1st, 2024|Botox|

Your facial muscles move to help you communicate expressions like happiness, annoyance, and surprise. However, some of these facial muscles are so active that they start to cause lines and wrinkles. Botox® relaxes these muscles to keep them from pulling on the skin, leading to a smoother, refreshed appearance.  What is Botox® or Botulinum [...]

What are Injectables Used For?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:23-07:00February 14th, 2022|Botox, Dermal Fillers|

Injectable treatments work within days, give you smoother, younger-looking features, and can be done during your lunch break. These bonuses make them among the most popular cosmetic treatments. Injection specialists have many options when choosing the best injectable for you. What are Injectables Used For? Injectables [...]

How is Botox® Administered?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:24-07:00December 14th, 2021|Botox|

One of the most popular cosmetic treatments of all time, Botox®, and its related neurotoxins, work to smooth lines and wrinkles. They also find regular use in medical treatments all over the body. Providers administer Botox® through injections. The skilled nurse injectors like those on Dr. Aycock’s team will make a huge difference in [...]

How Long Does Botox® Take to Work?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:25-07:00October 14th, 2021|Botox|

Botox® is an FDA-approved treatment that reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Botox® is one of the multiple neurotoxins available for aging skin. Dr. Aycock and his team recommend Dysport® over Botox® to reduce fine lines and wrinkles in the skin. What is Botox®? Botox® Cosmetic is [...]

Does Botox® Last Forever?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:27-07:00March 24th, 2021|Botox|

Do you get upset when you look in the mirror and you see wrinkles looking back at you? You are not alone! Unfortunately, as we get older, our skin starts to reveal our age. Our skin becomes weaker with less collagen and elastin and this is how wrinkles and frown lines can appear. However, [...]

Neurotoxins VS Dermal Fillers: What’s the Difference?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:33-07:00July 4th, 2020|Botox, Dysport|

Both neurotoxins and dermal fillers can be used to reduce the signs of aging and minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. However, these treatments are very different in nature and work in different ways. Before you can decide which type of treatment is right for you, it’s important to understand the difference [...]

How Long Does Botox Last?

By |2022-08-12T08:43:35-07:00May 14th, 2020|Botox|

Are you interested in minimizing wrinkles and fine lines with Botox, but not sure how long your results may last? Read on to discover how long your Botox results should last, including what you can do to prolong those results. Average Duration of Botox [...]

What You Need to Know About Dysport Injections

By |2022-08-12T08:44:06-07:00November 10th, 2017|Facial Rejuvenation|

What is Dysport? Dysport is an FDA-approved anti-aging injection that works in a similar manner to Botox. Dysport contains botulinum toxin Type A, a naturally-occurring compound that is known for paralyzing muscles at the injection site. Dysport is commonly used to smooth wrinkles that form between the eyebrows and on the forehead. How Does [...]

Nonsurgical Anti-Aging Results With BOTOX®

By |2022-08-12T08:44:13-07:00September 30th, 2012|Skin Rejuvenation|

Want to refine those unwanted signs of facial aging with great results that don’t require surgery? BOTOX® offers a way to turn back the clock without the commitment or risks of more invasive procedures. You can use BOTOX safely on problem areas like those frown lines between the eyes and around the mouth, forehead wrinkles, [...]

Nonsurgical Anti-Aging Results With Dysport®

By |2022-08-12T08:44:13-07:00August 27th, 2012|Skin Rejuvenation|

You may have heard about one of the newest and most effective facial fillers called Dysport®, a nonsurgical treatment that serves as an alternative to BOTOX® Cosmetic. Like other nonsurgical facial treatments, Dysport was created to help men and women minimize the appearance of signs of aging like wrinkling, created from repetitive facial expressions over [...]

Skin Rejuvenation Options for Limited Time & Budgets

By |2022-08-12T08:44:19-07:00December 4th, 2011|Skin Rejuvenation|

Your delicate skin is often the first place that telltale signs of aging appear. Sun exposure, stress, lack of proper hydration, and genetics all affect the quality of your skin. If you’re looking for a way to combat wrinkling, discoloration, and other skin problems, investing in nonsurgical skin rejuvenation can be easy on your wallet [...]

Effortless Rejuvenation at SkinPresence MedSPA Laser Center

By |2024-04-04T10:20:23-07:00March 1st, 2011|Skin Rejuvenation|

The new year is in full swing and Spring is edging closer. If you’ve been craving a change, but you are too busy to commit much time or effort to reinventing your look, SkinPresence MedSPA Laser Center has some wonderful options for you. While you may be hesitant to follow those appearance-enhancing instincts because you [...]

BOTOX®: Facial Rejuvenation Over Your Lunch Hour

By |2022-08-12T08:44:33-07:00November 1st, 2009|Skin Rejuvenation|

BOTOX® Cosmetic has been making headlines since it’s FDA approval for cosmetic rejuvenation in 2000. Performed by a certified plastic surgeon in as little as 30 minutes, BOTOX is the popular choice for the temporary reduction of facial lines and wrinkles. Here is some basic information you need to know before moving forward with this [...]


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